As always, our staff is on the roads to make the roads safe for everyone. To do so, and as you surely know, we enforce the rules prescribed in the Highway Safety Code. Over the past few days, our police officers have issued the following fines;
– 31-year-old driver from Pontiac caught at 97 km/h in a 50 km/h zone on chemin de la Baie in the Luskville sector = 10 points and $684
– 17-year-old driver from Val-de-Monts driving an off-road vehicle on Chemin du Ruisseau in Val-des-Monts 7 fines = $2,650
– 13 drivers disobeying traffic signs at rush hour on the Alonzo Bridge in Chelsea = $176 each
– Several speeding offences on routes 148, 105, Pierre-Laporte, Lamarche, Robitaille
As mentioned, we are present and attentive to road safety issues, and we are taking action in this regard.