The MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais is 2,076 km2 of forests, land and lakes.
It is made up of six rural and semi-urban municipalities with a tourist and resort vocation: Cantley, Chelsea, L’Ange-Gardien, La Pêche, Pontiac and Val-des-Monts.
It is located on the left bank of the Ottawa River, north of the city of Gatineau. Bordered on the west by the MRC Pontiac, on the north by the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau and on the east by the MRC Papineau. The city of Ottawa, Ontario, is located on the opposite bank of the Ottawa River.
It’s a place where you can live in the country, surrounded by trees, and still have easy access to the city of Gatineau in 25 minutes or less.
The population of more than 56,000 people makes this rural MRC the most populous in the Outaouais. The median family income is the highest in the Outaouais and in Quebec.
Since its creation in 1991, the MRC has experienced significant demographic growth, which should reach 88,915 inhabitants by 2036.
One of the particularities of the MRC is that it is the only MRC in Quebec with its own public security department. The mission of this department is to provide citizens of the municipalities with emergency call response and dispatch services, to provide level 2 police services, as well as to deal with high and very high fire risks.
The MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais is also :
- An agricultural area of 63,205 hectares, representing more than one third (35%) of the territory;
- 1079 lakes larger than one hectare;
- Six (6) rivers: Outaouais, Gatineau, du Lièvre, Quyon, La Pêche and La Blanche;
- Four (4) school boards, one of which is anglophone;
- A higher employment and activity rate than the rest of Quebec;
- A park, the Gatineau Park, occupying an area of 17% of the territory.