A priority issue for the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais and its local municipalities, waste management on its territory is framed by the orientations and objectives defined in the Plan de gestion des matières résiduelles (PGMR), which is the result of a concerted process involving all the MRC’s stakeholders.
You will find below all relevant documentation related to the MRC’s PGMR:
- Plan de gestion des matières résiduelles (PGMR) revised, adopted by council on february 25, 2017
- Regulation 241-16 enacting the PGMR
- Public Consultation Report for the Plan de Gestion des Matières Résiduelles (PGMR) revised, adopted by council on May 19, 2016
- Summary of the project plan de Gestion des Matières Résiduelles révisé for public consultation.
The MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais operates a transfer center where residual materials, delivered by municipal collection trucks, are transhipped before being sent to their final destination. This minimizes the number of trucks used to transport waste, thereby reducing polluting emissions and fuel consumption.
In addition to being used for the transshipment of final waste since 1995, the MRC’s transfer center will begin receiving organic materials from door-to-door collections in 2022, in order to send them to the Kazabazua processing plant, where they will be transformed into compost.
All of the MRC’s final waste is sent to the Lachute technical landfill site, because there is no disposal site in the Outaouais region. The Lachute site is located more than 150 km from its transfer center, which has considerable financial and environmental impacts. Consequently, the MRC’s Residual Materials Management Plan (RMMP) plans to study the possibility of establishing, in collaboration with the other MRCs in the region and the City of Gatineau, a regional disposal site, which would reduce the distance for transporting ultimate waste.
If you have any doubts or additional questions, call us, we will be happy to answer you!
28 La pêche Road, Val-des-Monts (route 366)
The MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais transfer center also has a drop-off point for the following residual materials: electronic products, household hazardous waste (HHW), metal and tires. Residents of the MRC can bring these materials all year long.
Regular Schedule
Day | AM | PM |
Monday to Thursday | 9h00 to noon | 12h30 to 17h00 |
Friday | 9h00 to noon | 12h30 to 16h00 |
To access the site, citizens must present one of the following proofs of residence upon arrival:
- Current year’s tax bill
- Driver’s license
- Cards from a higher level of government showing the citizen’s residential address
- Lease
No vehicle is allowed to drive on the transfer center site unless it has been registered and taken over by the center operator. To this end, vehicles must wait for authorization and instructions from the operator in front of the weigh station. No vehicle will be tolerated past this point.
Here is a list of accepted and refused vehicles for voluntary drop-off:
Autorisé | Refusé |
14 feet box truck | 6 wheels or more truck |
4x4 and pickup truck | Dump truck |
Car with or without trailer | 16 feet or more vehicule |
Van or other commercial vehicule similar |
The MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais is a proud partner of ARPE-Québec. This partnership allows the citizens of the MRC to drop off their electronic products at the MRC’s transfer center free of charge.
To find out what equipment is accepted, please consult the ARPE-Québec website.
This service is also offered free of charge to institutions, businesses and industries (ICI) of the MRC.
The MRC’s household hazardous waste depot accepts hazardous products purchased in retail stores and reserved for domestic use. These residues must be brought in their original container and must not exceed the authorized quantities:
Container of less than 20 liters (5 gallons) in the case of liquid waste
Container of less than 20 kilos (45 pounds) in the case of solid waste
Household hazardous waste for commercial or industrial use are not accepted at the MRC depot. No decanting is authorized on the MRC site.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of household hazardous waste accepted and refused at the MRC drop-off point:
- Acids
- Aerosols
- Bases
- Car batteries
- Propane tanks
- Fuels
- Ink cartridges
- Fluorescents, compact fluorescents
- Oils, lubricants
- Medicines
- Oxidants
- Paints
- Pesticides
- Alkaline and rechargeable batteries
- Tires without rims
- Pool products
- Organic products
- Reagents
- Electronic waste (computers, monitors, printers, cell phones etc.)
- Solvents
- Weapons and ammunition
- Compressed gas cylinders
- Biomedical waste
- Domestic waste
- Radioactive waste
- Explosives, dynamite
- Compostable materials
- Commercial or industrial waste
- Oversized tires (tractors, machinery, heavy trucks)
- Tires with rims
- Construction waste
- Unknown products or damaged containers
- Acides
- Aérosols
- Bases
- Batteries d’automobiles
- Bonbonnes de propane
- Carburants
- Cartouches d’encre
- Fluorescents, fluocompactes
- Huiles, lubrifiants
- Médicaments
- Oxydants
- Peintures
- Pesticides
- Piles alcalines et rechargeables
- Pneus sans jantes
- Produits de piscine
- Produits organiques
- Réactifs
- Résidus électroniques (ordinateurs, écrans, imprimantes, cellulaires etc.)
- Solvants
- Armes et munitions
- Bouteilles de gaz comprimé
- Déchets biomédicaux
- Déchets domestiques
- Déchets radioactifs
- Explosifs, dynamite
- Matières compostables
- Résidus à usage commercial ou industriel
- Pneus surdimensionnés (tracteurs, machinerie, camions lourds)
- Pneus avec jante
- Résidus de construction
- Produits inconnus ou contenants endommagés
Pour trouver d’autres points de dépôt pour la récupération des peintures, cliquez ici
Tous les RDD apportés par les citoyens doivent être livrés dans leur contenant d’origine et la substance qui s’y trouve doit être clairement identifiée. En cas de doute, un contenant jugé suspect ou non étiqueté peut-être refusé par les opérateurs du centre de transfert.
- Les matières visées par le programme sur la Responsabilité élargie des producteurs de RECYC-Québec ne sont pas tarifées, peu importe la quantité livrée :
- Peintures et leurs contenants
- Huiles, antigels, liquides de refroidissement, leurs contenants et leurs filtres
- Piles
- Produits électroniques
- Les citoyens ont droit à 6 livraisons gratuites de RDD par an, sans toutefois excéder un total de 100 kg ;
- Sera considéré comme un client commercial tout citoyen effectuant plus de 10 livraisons annuellement ou disposant de plus de 100 kg de RDD par an. Toute quantité excédant l’une de ces 2 limites sera facturée audit citoyen ou entreprise selon la grille de facturation suivante :
Situation | Tarif |
7e livraison et livraisons subséquentes (pour un total annuel inférieur à 100kg) | 10$/ livraison |
101e kg et kg subséquents de RDD disposés annuellement en moins de 6 livraisons | 2,50$/kg |
101e kg et kg subséquents de RDD disposés annuellement en 7 livraisons ou plus | 5$/ livraison + 2,50$/kg |
Exception : Les batteries d’automobiles ne seront pas comptabilisées dans le poids total de RDD livrés par un citoyen annuellement. Celles-ci seront toutefois comptabilisées par la MRC pour des fins statistiques et seront gérées gracieusement par cette dernière.
Dans le cadre du Programme québécois de gestion des pneus hors d’usage, la MRC récupère gratuitement les pneus qui correspondent aux critères suivants :
- Diamètre extérieur inférieur à 123,19 cm (48,5 po)
- Sans jantes
Ce service est offert sans frais pour les citoyens résidentiels et pour les ICI de la MRC.
Tout métal ou tout résidu ayant une forte composante métallique est accepté au point de dépôt du centre de transfert de la MRC, par exemple :
- Métaux ferreux
- Métaux non ferreux
- Appareils électroménagers
- Bonbonnes de propane remplissables
- Fils électriques
- Cordes à linge
- Barbecues
- Tôles
- Cintres
- Broches
- Etc.
Ce service est offert aux citoyens résidentiels et aux ICI, sans frais.
En cas de doute ou pour des questions supplémentaires, téléphonez-nous, il nous fera plaisir de vous répondre !
Pour des questions supplémentaires :
Centre de transfert des matières résiduelles : 819-457-4086
MRC : 819-712-8026
Jurisdiction of the MRC
Since January 1, 2006 and the implementation of the Municipal Powers Act, the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais has exclusive jurisdiction of all watercourses on its territory. Within the framework of this jurisdiction, the MRC regulates all matters relating to the the flow of water, may proceed with the maintenance and development of watercourses as well as any intervention deemed necessary.
To exercise its jurisdiction and to provide a framework for interventions in watercourses, the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais adopted a by-law governing matters relating to the flow of water in the MRC’s watercourses.
What is a watercourse
Beware! Some ditches are considered to be watercourses! The law does not distinguish between regular or intermittent watercourses and those created or modified by human intervention.
According to section 103 of the Municipal Powers Act :
A regional county municipality has jurisdiction over continuously or intermittently flowing watercourses, including those artificially created or modified, except
(1) watercourses or parts of watercourses that the Government determines, after consultation with the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, by an order in council that comes into force on the date of its publication in the Gazette officielle du Québec or any later date specified in the order;
(2) a ditch along a public or private road;
(3) a common ditch within the meaning of article 1002 of the Civil Code; and
(4) a drainage ditch
(a) used solely for drainage or irrigation;
(b) that was artificially created; and
(c) the watershed of which has an area of less than 100 hectares.
The part of a watercourse used as a ditch remains under the jurisdiction of the regional county municipality.
Intervention in a watercourse
No intervention is permitted in the shoreline of a watercourse without the necessary authorizations having been issued beforehand. Before undertaking any work near a watercourse, check with your municipal inspector for the regulations in effect.
If you notice the presence of an obstruction or a nuisance in a waterway (ice jam, beaver dam, debris of any kind, etc.) the MRC asks you to report it to your municipality or to contact us directly by filling out the request form below.
Beaver dam on your property
If you notice a beaver dam on your property, a threat assessment is required to determine if it is safe for people and property. For assistance, the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais invites you to contact your local municipality or contact gestioneau@mrcdescollines.com or at 819 712-7857.
Beavers and their dams are protected under the Act Respecting the conservation and development of wildlife. Any intervention that could disturb, destroy or damage the beaver’s habitat or the beaver itself is prohibited unless an authorization is obtained from the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP).
For more information, you can consult the MELCCFP’s résumé des exigences réglementaires relatives à la gestion des castors et au démantèlement de barrages de castor ( in French only).
Useful links
Several actors play a determining role in water governance in Quebec. The following sites and reference documents can be consulted. They are relevant in order to ensure an enlightened management of the waterways on our territory.
Agence de bassin versant des 7 (in French only)
Lievre River Watershed Committee
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (in French only)
Guide sur la gestion des cours d’eau au Québec (in French only)
Anthropic dams Directory CEHQ (in French only)
Union des producteurs agricoles (in French only)
Guide pratique sur le libre écoulement des eaux de la MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (in French only)
Accountability of the transitional regime
As of March 1st, 2022, and the coming into force of the Regulation respecting the temporary implementation of the amendments made by chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2021 in connection with the management of flood risks, municipalities and MRCs have reporting obligations with respect to the application of the Municipal Authorization Regime for activities carried out in water environments, as provided for in the transitional regime.
Municipalities must keep a register of authorizations issued under the transitional regime and transmit information on these authorizations to their MRC. MRCs must publish an annual report on authorizations issued.
2022 Annual report
2023 Annual report
In 2017, the Quebec government adopted the Act respecting the conservation of wetlands and bodies of water, which gives the MRCs the responsibility to develop a regional wetlands and bodies of water plan (RWBWP).
The RWBWP is a tool that will have to be taken into account in the Development scheme of each MRC, in order to better plan actions and interventions related to the conservation of wetlands and bodies of water (WBW).
The MRCs will have to submit the RWBWPs to the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) for approval by June 2023 at the latest.
A concerted approach
In the Outaouais region, the MRCs of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais, Papineau, Pontiac and Vallée-de-la-Gatineau have joined forces to work together, in partnership with the Conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable (CREDDO), to develop their respective RWBWPs. This concerted effort allows for the development of a common vision for the conservation of WBWs, while respecting the territorial specificities of each MRC.

We invite you to consult the CREDDO page for any information related to the RWBWP.
Questions? You can reach: environnement@mrcdescollines.com