Since November 25, 2021, the MAINtenant ensemble project is a large-scale local initiative that was made possible thanks to a grant from the Ministère de la Sécurité Publique (MSP) and funding from all the municipalities in the MRC.
On May 6, 2021, the Ministry of Public Security announced funding to better accompany victims of domestic violence and to increase the surveillance of offenders. This funding includes an amount over five years to add specialized domestic violence staff to Quebec police forces and correctional services.
As part of this initiative, the Service de la Sécurité publique de la MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (SPMDC), has obtained $433,440 in funding over a five-year period to implement its MAINtenant ensemble project.

MAINtenant ensemble is an innovative project that relies on numerous partnerships with different organizations in the region. The primary goal, as always, is to place the victim of domestic violence and her children at the heart of the priorities. The title of the MAINtenant ensemble project refers to the urgency of acting here, together and now, while making the link with the fact that Public Security and its partners are reaching out to victims to support them.
Public Security is committed to acting as a pivotal team with its various partners to support the victim throughout the judicial and psychosocial process. The project is divided into four areas of intervention: prevention, primary police and psychosocial intervention, judicialization and the post-intervention component.
The first action of the MAINtenant ensemble project is the implementation of a multidisciplinary team specialized in conjugal violence within the Public Security. This team currently includes a social worker, a coordinating officer and a detective sergeant. Eventually, officers from each work team will also be assigned to participate in the various sub-projects.
The team will closely monitor all domestic violence cases. They will follow up on many types of cases in an attempt to detect undocumented domestic violence situations. She will also be available to victims to answer all their concerns, questions or requests for assistance and she will make sure to collaborate with the different internal and external partners.
It is important to note that the team will automatically offer a follow-up to parties involved in an event that occurred in a context of domestic violence requiring a police intervention. However, a victim or a loved one can also contact the team for advice or referrals, without any police intervention having taken place.
A second major action of the project is the implementation of the mobile intervention program, in collaboration with the Maison Libère-Elles. Mobile interveners will be available on call and will travel in person to the scene of police interventions at the time of the crisis, which is a first in Quebec in such a comprehensive form.
In addition, the project will provide an opportunity to make presentations as part of a school-based prevention program. It will promote the implementation of various measures to increase the safety of victims and to implement a risk assessment of intimate partner homicide. The project’s actors will also provide ongoing training to Public Security personnel in order to standardize police intervention. Finally, the project will add referrals to the organization Donne-Toi une chance and Impact Rivière Gatineau.
The team can be reached by phone at 819-459-2422 ext. 3333 and by email at
Although the team members will try to respond as quickly as possible during business hours, please note that the contact information for the domestic violence team is not an emergency line.
For any emergency, please call 911.
Message from the Minister of Public Safety :
Since its creation in 1996, the Public Security Service of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais has been committed to developing a prevention approach based on proximity and partnership with the various schools in its territory.
Since 2018, Quebec police services must enter into collaboration agreements with the School Service Centres in their territory regarding police interventions in prevention, investigation, emergency cases and reporting of acts of bullying or violence. The MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais Public Security Service has signed agreements with the Western Quebec School Board as well as with the Portages-de-l’Outaouais, Draveurs and Coeur-des-Vallées School Service Centres.
These agreements are based on the document police presence in school “Cadre de Référence” which guides the police presence in educational institutions and indicates the different responsibilities of the interveners in the field. This reference framework was produced under the responsibility of the Table provinciale de concertation sur la violence, les jeunes et le milieu scolaire.
Currently our elementary school clientele alone represents 95% of all our students.
Our presentations to students are currently focused on: bullying, cyber protection, social media, image sharing, drugs and various laws (grades 5-6 and high school). It is also important to mention that we also intervene with all other students, upon request. (police work, bicycle safety, etc.). We work in close collaboration with the principals and teachers, but also with other specialists in the field, which allows us to organize individual meetings with certain students in order to prevent risky behaviors.
We normally carry out more than 100 hours of police presence annually.
Within the framework of the school partnership, we also offer the following activities: crossing guards, police officers for a day, visits to our facilities, presentations offered to parents, etc.
We also coordinate and supervise all school-based barricaded lockdown practices, and have done so since 2013.
Currently, our police department serves:
4,400 students
Three (3) School Service Centres
One (1) School Board
Thirteen (13) elementary schools, divided into sixteen (16) buildings
One (1) private primary school
One (1) secondary school
One (1) adult schoo
- Vallée-des-Voyageurs School(Notre-Dame-de-la-Joie and Ste-Marie building)
- Onslow school
La Pêche
- Des Lacs high school
- Au Cœur-des-Collines school(Ste-Cécile et La Pêche building)
- Wakefield Elementary
- Intimidation et Cyberintimidation
- Centre de prévention du crime chez les jeunes
- Educalcool
- Alcool et Drogues Information et Prévention Gouv. du Québec
- PREVNet (site anglophone)
- STOP Cyberbullying (site anglophone)
- (site anglophone)
For more information, we invite you to contact the Sergeant in charge of the Prevention and Community Relations section at 819-459-2422 – extension 3262 or 877-459-2422 – extension 3262
This prevention program received an award of excellence in 2004 in the category of municipal police services from the Ministère de la Sécurité publique, in collaboration with the Intersection Committee.
The program is open to all permanent and seasonal residents throughout the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais.
The main objective of this prevention program is to reduce property crime. It favours the reduction of opportunities offered to burglars through the application of simple and effective measures.
To learn more, we invite you to download the following documents:
Don’t tempt the stealing racoon brochure (crime prevention)
Inventory of assets document
The Neighbourhood Watch program is a grouping of citizens on the same street, road or neighbourhood who have the objective of keeping an eye on each other’s properties and immediately reporting any suspicious activity or people in the area to the police.
The viability and strength of the program rests directly on the involvement of residents in their neighbourhood. If you see suspicious activity, a suspicious person or a suspicious car, please contact your local police department immediately. It is also advisable to take note of all relevant details about the individuals or vehicles in order to pass them on to the police.
When several people in the same neighbourhood decide to join forces, take action and sign up for the program, the police department can have a free metal sign with the program logo and the police department’s logo placed in a strategic location, designating the location as a program participant.
In order to help you gather the necessary and sometimes crucial information to transmit to the police during suspicious incidents, the police service offers you a note-taking checklist to help you compile everything. Taking notes has never been so easy and efficient!
Print this fact sheet : The ABCs of Neighborhood Watch and Note Taking
For more information, please contact the Sergeant in charge of the Community and Prevention Section at 819-459-2422 – ext. 3262 or 1-877-459-2422 – ext. 3262
Since its creation in 1996, the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais Public Security Service has been working with local and regional partners to resolve or improve certain conflict situations between individuals which, unfortunately, over time, deteriorate and lead to recurrent police calls and trips.
It is important to know that the vast majority of these persistent conflict situations are not police related. That is to say that they are not governed by laws applicable by police officers (Criminal Code, Highway Safety Code, municipal by-laws), but are related to situations of a civil nature (land delimitation, rights of way, separation, contract between parties, landlords/tenants, sale of a product, etc.).
Unfortunately, when there is a breakdown in relations between individuals and the communication channel becomes non-existent, people tend to call the police instead of using the appropriate authorities to resolve their problem. It is important to mention that this approach does not normally solve the problem.
So here are some tips to help you in your problem solving process.
– Establish and identify the real nature of the problem. Is it civil or police in nature?
– Always try to establish a dialogue with the other party involved. A good, honest discussion can resolve many conflicts. TALK TO EACH OTHER!
– Try to find common, sustainable and socially acceptable solutions for all.
– Contact and inform yourself with the competent authorities related to your problem (governmental bodies, the civil court, a lawyer, your municipality and its urban planning or public works department, etc.).
– Good communication and a mutual desire to reach a harmonious conclusion are key elements in the success of a proactive approach.
The Public Security Service also takes charge of other recurring or emerging files with police connotations. These files come from the public, the municipalities or are simply detected by our police officers. These files have a significant impact on the number of trips and on the processing time of our personnel. In this category, we can find recurrent situations of noise, public peace, traffic, off-road vehicles, gathering, etc.
The reason for police involvement is directly related to the application of a law and these files are normally handled in partnership with other authorities allowing us to solve the problem or to make the situation socially acceptable for all. For example, if it is a road safety issue, we invite you to first contact your municipality to inform them. If, after evaluation, it has been determined that the police service should be involved, the municipality will send us the necessary information so that we can take charge of the file since it is a shared responsibility.
Our team of multidisciplinary police officers also deal with emerging and recurring mental health issues and work closely with health care personnel to direct individuals with special needs to the best resources. Our dedicated staff ensures the necessary follow-ups with callers and community partners.
Our municipalities
Citizens, have you run out of patience with the repetitive calls you receive at home and on your cell phone, at all hours of the day? Are you tired of the suspicious emails asking you to click here and there? All the “tiresome” people behind these calls and emails want only one thing: to STEAL you! They want to steal your money or your identity, or even both, without any scruples.
Their method? Scare you. They pretend to be an Income tax agent, a police officer or a government employee and they tell you that you owe money, a lot of money, and that if you don’t pay immediately, the POLICE will come and arrest you. The problem is that their scheme works.
Other scammers will tell you that your SIN card has been compromised and someone has taken your identity. They may even go so far as to claim that a crime was committed with your identity. Again, all of these doomsday scenarios are designed to scare you and have only one common link, which is to ask you to PAY something.
So stop living in fear, because the government, the police or any other self-respecting institution does not threaten people over the phone. No serious organization asks citizens to pay their debts with gift cards, to transfer money in a strange and unusual way, and even less to pay with their credit card over the phone. The goal of these scammers is to brainwash you into believing that if you pay immediately, all your problems will miraculously disappear. The scammers are so friendly that they will even stay on the line with you for long minutes to make sure the transaction is completed.
What to do if you are a victim of fraud?
Step 1: Gather all information about the fraud: documents, receipts and copies of e-mails or text messages.
Step 2: Report the incident to the appropriate police department in your area. This will ensure that they are aware of frauds targeting citizens and businesses in their jurisdiction. Keep a log of all calls and record all case or incident numbers.
Step 4: Report the incident to the financial institution where the money was transferred, for example, a money transfer company such as Western Union or MoneyGram, a bank or credit union, a credit card company or an Internet payment service provider.
Step 5: If the fraud was committed online using Facebook, eBay, a classified ad site such as Kijiji or a dating site, be sure to report the incident directly to the website. You can find information on how to do this under the “Report Abuse” or “Report an Ad” sections of the site.
Step 6: Victims of identity fraud should place a warning note on all their accounts and report the fraud to the two credit reporting agencies: Equifax and TransUnion.
– Beware of money grabbing schemes. Fraud victims are often targeted a second or third time and promised to get their money back. – Always do your due diligence and never send funds to get your money back.
– Stay informed. Inform the CAFC, financial institutions and the police department of any updates.
– Be proactive. Educate your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers about mass marketing fraud. You may be able to prevent someone else from becoming a victim.
Abuse is a generic term commonly used. “Abuse occurs when a singular or repetitive action, or lack of appropriate action, occurs in a relationship where there should be trust, and it causes harm or distress to an older person**.”
**Free translation from: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, The Toronto Declaration on the Global Prevention of Elder Abuse, November 17, 2002.
Financial abuse is often accompanied by blackmail and threats:
– theft of the person’s property
– embezzlement of funds
– fraudulent powers of attorney
– fictitious service contracts
Physical and sexual abuse:
– pinching
– pushing and shoving
– roughhousing
– hitting
– forcing to perform sexual acts
Psychological abuse is primarily aimed at controlling people through :
– fear
– insecurity
– guilt
– humiliation
– deprivation of visits
Neglecting a person is :
– failing to provide essential care
– not providing food
– denial of essential medication
– Talk to someone you trust.
– Talk to your doctor or a resource person at your CLSC (CSSS).
To confide in someone or to ask for advice, you can call the following numbers
Help line for elders 1-888-489-ABUS (2287)
Info-Santé 811
In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1.
– Talk to a support worker who can guide you.
– Make sure you can talk to the victim alone and find out what they think about the situation.
– Communicate regularly with the victim until the situation is resolved.
Our police service works with all the stakeholders in the community to prevent and inform the seniors of our territory by conducting dynamic information sessions based on the program “AINÉ-AVISÉ against abuse and fraud” sponsored by the Fédération de l’Âge d’Or du Québec.
For more information or to request an information session, we invite you to contact the Sergeant in charge of the Prevention and Community Relations section at 819-459-2422 – extension 3262 or 877-459-2422 – extension 3262
La Table Autonome des ainés(es) des Collines
– Meet with vulnerable seniors to better understand their needs;
– Inform about resources and refer to appropriate resources to meet their needs;
– Accompany them in the process of obtaining services;
– Follow-up with these seniors.
1694 Montée de la Source, Cantley, Qc J8V 3H6
819-457-9191 – extension 244
Toll free at 1-855-662-4637
– To break the isolation and loneliness of seniors by promoting independence;
– To help develop a support network;
– To increase well-being and a sense of belonging;
– Facilitate better access to community and institutional services.