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This morning, we were at the intersection of chemins Scott and Old Chelsea as part of the national VPI operation to raise awareness of intimate partner violence. And yes, this type of violence is still very much a reality in 2023.

For example, from January 1 to September 30, 2023, our multidisciplinary “MAINtenant Ensemble” team, dedicated solely to domestic violence, carried out..;

– 409 case follow-ups;

– 142 follow-ups with our partners;

– 177 direct referrals from our referral protocols with our main partners;

– 66 charge(s) submitted to the DPCP (Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions)

– 140 follow-up calls identifying 14 situations of domestic violence.

This is just a brief overview of some of the important statistics to be mentioned. But it’s important to mention that for our multidisciplinary team, all Public Security personnel and our partners, victims of violence and their children are not “statistics” but a priority.

During this morning’s operation, we stopped over 200 vehicles and handed out prevention materials!