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Are you on vacation? Take a few seconds to check the enclosed QR code to get all the necessary information you need to know about boating safety.

You can also scan the QR code at the following locations;

List of locations

– Lake St-Pierre descent, Val-des-Monts

– Lac St-Pierre public beach, Val-des-Monts

– Descent / public dock, Lake McPhee, Val-des-Monts

– Descent Lac de l’Écluse, Val-des-Monts

– Descent Lac Clair, Val-des-Monts

– Descent / public dock, Lac Mc Gregor, Val-des-Monts

– Downhill / public beach Parc de l’Ancre, chemin de l’Ancre, Cantley

– Gatineau River public beach, Wakefield sector, La Pêche

Gatineau River public dock, Wakefield sector, La Pêche

– Gatineau River descent, 331 chemin de la Rivière, La Pêche

– Descent Ottawa River, Tremblay Beach, Luskville sector, Pontiac

– Descent / public dock, Ottawa River, Quyon sector, Pontiac